Sunday, May 28
Sunday, May 28, 16:00–17:30, Tycho Hall
When sexual arousal and desire go awry (IASR Symposium)
Chair: James Pfaus (Canada)
J. Paul Fedoroff (Canada): Measuring paraphilic arousal in the lab: How hard can it be?
Erick Janssen (Belgium/USA): Taking the hype out of hypersexuality: Psychophysiological studies in men who have sex with men (MSM)
James Pfaus (Canada): Animal fetishes… or when learning about sexual reward trumps instinct about reproduction
Sunday, May 28, 16:00–17:30, Kepler Hall
New trends in the field of sexual medicine (ISSM Symposium)
Chairs: Emmanuele A. Jannini (Italy) & Edward Kim (USA)
Emmanuele A. Jannini (Italy): Psychometric measurement of human orgasm
Melissa Dahir (USA): Flibanserin: The Year in Review – Fairy Tale or Horror Story?
Edward Kim (USA): Use of SERMs for the Treatment of Male Hypogonadism; Challenges and Practical Application
Woet L. Gianotten (the Netherlands): Sexual health in the higher age groups
Sunday, May 28, 16:00–17:30, Aquarius Hall
Developing standards of care for discrimination-free sexual health services (UNAIDS Symposium)
Chair: Eszter Kismödi (Switzerland/Hungary)
Luisa Cabal (Switzerland): The Agenda for Zero Discrimination in Health Care
Lesley Regan (UK): Integrating Human Rights and Women’s Health. Competencies for Practice
Eli Coleman (USA): WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights: operationalization through standards of care
Joe Wong (Thailand): The Asia Pacific Trans Health Blueprint towards discrimination-free healthcare
Sunday, May 28, 16:00–17:30, Taurus Hall
The advanced research of sexual science and rich Chinese sexual arts (World Chinese Society for Sexology Symposium)
Chair: Lin Tao (China)
Mingming Li (China): Research on the characteristics of sexual paintings, sexual sculptures and sexual expressions in China
Lin Tao (China): Chinese sex humorous photography
Qian Yang (China): The advanced research of clitoris orgasm and vaginal climax
Qinghua Wang (China): The new technique for treatment of ED
Jianzhong Zha (China): “Jie Na cream” for female sexual dysfunction (FSD) and sexual organs health research
Peicheng Hu (China): The analysis of the psychological experience for female sexual orgasm in China
Monday, May 29
Monday, May 29, 08:00–09:30, Zenit + Nadir Hall
How to improve sexual desire in women? (FLASSES Symposium)
Please note that this symposium will be parallely in Spanish and English.
Chair: Jaqueline Brendler (Brazil)
Felipe Hurtado Murillo (Spain): The etiology of sexual desire disorder
Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles (Mexico): Drugs and sexual desire
Jaqueline Brendler (Brazil): Psychotherapeutic techniques to increase sexual desire in women
Monday, May 29, 08:00–09:30, Tycho Hall
Progress in Sexuality Education (WAS Sexuality Education Committee Symposium)
Chair: Osmo Kontula (Finland)
Osmo Kontula (Finland): What boys desire to know about sex
Christine Winkelmann (Germany): ZANZU: An internet-based approach to improved sexual health for migrants
Pelle Ullholm (Sweden) & Hans Olsson (Sweden): “Do you want to?” – A sex-positive approach to consent
Esther Corona-Vargas (Mexico): Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Latin America. State of the Art, achievements and challenges
Monday, May 29, 08:00–09:30, Kepler Hall
Male Circumcision – Exploring Unspoken Consequences (Sexpo Foundation and Genital Autonomy Symposium)
Chair: Tiina Vilponen (Finland)
Tiina Vilponen (Finland): Protecting the Rights of the Child
Morten Frisch (Denmark): Health-Related and Sexual Consequences of Non-Therapeutic Male Circumcision in Childhood
Gert van Dijk (the Netherlands): Non-therapeutic Circumcision: The Ethical Position of the Royal Dutch Medical Association
Brian Earp (USA): Gender, Genital Alteration, and Beliefs about Bodily Harm
David Smith (UK): A Summary of the Voices of the Damaged from the Records of 15 Square
Monday, May 29, 15:00–16:00, Zenit + Nadir Hall
AASECT at 50: Visions for Sexuality Education and Therapy (AASECT Symposium)
Chair: Konnie McCaffree (USA)
Konnie McCaffree (USA): Creating Effective Sexuality Education
Gina Ogden (USA): Integrating Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Sex Therapy and Supervision
Monday, May 29, 15:00–16:20, Tycho Hall
Unmet needs in sexual care (ESSM Symposium)
Chairs: Yacov Reisman (the Netherlands) & Geoff Hackett (UK)
Yacov Reisman (the Netherlands): Unmet needs in… Science and Education, What ESSM can offer
Geoff Hackett (UK): Unmet needs in… Pornography, Sexual Health and Social Media
Gideon Sartorius (Switzerland): Unmet needs in… Sexual Medicine and the Oncology Patient
Juan Ignacio Martinez Salamanca (Spain): Unmet needs in… PDE5-I Non-Responders
Monday, May 29, 15:00–16:00, Kepler Hall
Status of SRHR in Africa – Examining commitments, policy and actions (Africa Symposium by AFSHR & ACCPD)
Chair: Robert Kasenene (Tanzania)
Robert Kasenene (Tanzania)
Delene van Dyk (South Africa), Ekua Yankah (Germany/Ghana), Dorothy Aken'Ova (Nigeria)
Tuesday, May 30
Tuesday, May 30, 08:00–09:00, Zenit + Nadir Hall
Evolution of the concepts and treatments of male and female sexual dysfunctions (ABP Symposium)
Please note that this symposium will be in Portuguese (only slides will be in English).
Chair: Carmita Abdo (Brazil)
Carmita Abdo (Brazil): Evolution of the concepts and treatments of female sexual dysfunctions
João Afif Abdo (Brazil): Evolution of the concepts and treatments of male sexual dysfunctions
Tuesday, May 30, 08:00–09:00, Tycho Hall
Some trends in contemporary sexology work in Portugal (SPSC & SPA Symposium)
Chairs: Sandra Vilarinho (Portugal) & Patrícia M. Pascoal (Portugal)
Patrícia M. Pascoal (Portugal): The sexology clinic at the faculty of psychology of the University of Lisbon
Pedro Vendeira (Portugal): Sex before the game…
Sandra Vilarinho (Portugal): Sexual health and moment-to-moment awareness
Tuesday, May 30, 12:30–14:00, Zenit + Nadir Hall
Sexual Pleasure: From a comprehensive definition to practical implementation
Chairs: Doortje Braeken (the Netherlands) & Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA)
Doortje Braeken (the Netherlands)
Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA)
Eszter Kismödi (Switzerland/Hungary)
Sara Nasserzadeh (Iran/USA)
Carles Pericas (Spain)
Hella Dee (the Netherlands)
Mauro Cabral Grinspan (Argentina)
Tuesday, May 30, 15:00–16:30, Tycho Hall
Presentation of Czech Sexology
Chair: Petr Weiss (Czech Republic)
Jaroslav Zvěřina (Czech Republic): History of the Czech scientific sexology
Zlatko Pastor (Czech Republic): Differential diagnosis of female “sexual” fluids
Kateřina Klapilová (Czech Republic): Czech survey of unusual sexual interests: love, porn, fantasy and behavior
Michal Pohanka (Czech Republic): Long-term observation of the spermatological parameters of the Czech men
Tuesday, May 30, 15:00–16:30, Kepler Hall
Why a wall between sexual health and reproductive health? (PAHO/WHO Symposium)
Chair: Rafael Mazin (USA)
Suzanne Serruya (Uruguay): Current areas of concern in RH and their linkage to SH and provision of educational and health care services to young people
Rodolfo Gomez Ponce de Leon (Uruguay): New understandings of the concept “procreation” and sexual and reproductive dilemmas for specific groups and populations
Igor Toskin (Switzerland) & Karel Blondeel (Belgium): Advancing STI prevention through sexual health promotion: brief sexuality-related communication and sexual health indicators
Rafael Mazin (USA): Reproductive Health in the XXI Century
Tuesday, May 30, 15:00–16:30, Aquarius Hall
Sexuality Education and Therapy: Perspectives from SSSS members (SSSS Symposium)
Chair: Terry Humphreys (Canada)
Margarita Gerouki (Greece): Greek students’ understanding of sexual diversity and difference – implications for educational policies and practices
Shadeen Francis (USA): Teaching the teachers: Education strategies for subjective competence among sexual health practitioners (USA)
Terry Humphreys (Canada): The state of Canadian sexuality education
Christopher Fisher (Australia): 25 Years of Sex Education and Sexual Health Outcomes among Australian Adolescents
Tuesday, May 30, 15:00–16:30, Taurus Hall
New clinical perspectives on sexology (EFS Symposium)
Chair: Chiara Simonelli (Italy)
Mehmet Sungur (Turkey): Critiques & challenges to old and new DSM-5 criteria for sexual dysfunction
Francesca Tripodi (Italy): Facts and prejudices on sexuality of people practicing BDSM
Elsa Almas (Norway): Addressing sexual problems after sexual violence and abuse through a combination of trauma theory and sex therapy
Tuesday, May 30, 17:30–19:00, Tycho Hall
Fulfil Youth’s Sexual Rights! (WAS & IPPF Symposium)
Chairs: Doortje Braeken (the Netherlands) & Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA)
Moderator: Eli Coleman (USA)
Doortje Braeken (the Netherlands)
Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA)
Lena Luyckfasseel (Belgium)
Esther Corona-Vargas (Mexico)
Stefano Eleuteri (Italy)
Tuesday, May 30, 17:30–19:00, Kepler Hall
Promoting sexual health through SDGs and Human Rights (UNESCO Chaire Sexual health & human rights, SFSC and ASCLIF Symposium)
Chairs: Ingrid Geray (France) & Michel Lombard (France)
Moderators: Tamara Adrián (Venezuela) & Yuko Higashi (Japan)
Thierry Troussier (France): The context of sexual health in France and new national sexual health strategy 2017–2030
Stephanie Esteve Terré (France): Motivational interviewing applied to sexual health and human rights: a fast track pilot training for pharmacists
Michele Pujos Gautraud (France): What future for medical training in France with the new priorities?
Ingrid Geray (France): The legal framework of the sexual health providers' consultation
Tuesday, May 30, 17:30–19:00, Aquarius Hall
Global Sexual Health Research with Vulnerable Populations: Perspectives from SSSS Members (SSSS Symposium)
Chair: Terry Humphreys (Canada)
Michael W. Ross (USA): Stigma and discrimination and health and risk behavior of gay/bisexual men in Tanzania
Heather Armstrong (Canada): The momentum health study: Understanding the context of HIV treatment as prevention among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada
Kelwyn Browne (Papua New Guinea): Sexual health and vulnerable populations in Papua New Guinea
Terry Humphreys (Canada): Understanding the complexity of sexual consent: Normative attitudes and behaviors in University women and men
Tuesday, May 30, 17:30–19:00, Taurus Hall
How-to sexuality: being scientific and intervening trans-theoretical-disciplinary (SBRASH Symposium)
Chair: Itor Finotelli Jr. (Brazil)
Cristiane Carboni (Brazil): Female Sexual Dysfunctions Related to Pain: When and How to Treat Pelvic Floor Symptoms
Arnaldo Barbieri Filho (Brazil): Antidepressants and Sexuality: a Brazilian review
Alessandra Diehl (Brazil): Disparities between Sexual Orientation, Violence & Substance Use: an Overview of the Brazilian Scenario
Jaqueline Brendler (Brazil): What provokes erection in heterosexual intercourse?
Wednesday, May 31
Wednesday, May 31, 08:00–09:00, Zenit + Nadir Hall
Female sexual health: Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics considerations (SBRASH & FEBRASGO Symposium)
Chairs: Itor Finotelli Jr. (Brazil) & Lucia Alves Lara (Brazil)
Sandra Scalco (Brazil): Sexual health in adolescence
Lucia Alves Lara (Brazil): Clinical Implications of Hair Removal from Female Genitalia
Sheila Reis (Brazil): Family Planning: For Whom? – A Psychosexual Look
Wednesday, May 31, 08:00–09:00, Tycho Hall
Sexual Function in South Indian population Perspective – A prospective cohort study (IAFS Symposium)
Chairs: P. Ganesan Adaikan (Singapore)
Thangasamy Kamaraj (India): Semen Parameters and Sexual Function in South Indian Male
Jeyarani Kamaraj (India): Unexplained infertility and Sexual Dysfunction among Infertile South Indian Women
K. J. Nivedhitha (India): Vaginismus – pain in sex
Wednesday, May 31, 09:30–11:00, Tycho Hall
Operational framework for sexual health and its linkages to reproductive health (WHO Symposium)
Chairs: Eli Coleman (USA) & Lale Say (Turkey)
Sharful Islam Khan (Bangladesh): Research and program on sexual health and sexuality in Bangladesh: Successes and challenges
Eli Coleman (USA): Sexual Rights as Human Rights: Meeting the Challenges
Doris Chou (USA): Coming developments in sexual health indicators and measurement
Rob Stephenson (USA): Towards an new operational framework for sexual health
Wednesday, May 31, 09:30–11:00, Kepler Hall
Current Challenges in Sexual Rights (Symposium of the Sexual Rights Committee of WAS)
Chairs: Yuko Higashi (Japan) & Tommi Paalanen (Finland)
Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA): Fulfilling Young People's Sexual Rights: A Look into Present and Future Challenges
Tommi Paalanen (Finland): Sexual Rights of Young People: Dilemmas Concerning Sexual Autonomy
Faysal El Kak (Lebanon): Violence against Syrian Refugees: A Crisis Unfolded
Brian Earp (USA): The Right to Bodily Integrity and the Concept of Sexual Harm
Wednesday, May 31, 09:30–11:00, Aquarius Hall
Where does the research on LGBT goes? An overview (FISS Symposium)
Chairs: Salvatore Caruso (Italy), Adele Fabrizi (Italy) & Domenico Trotta (Italy)
Cinzia Artioli (Italy): Sexual rights of lesbian gay and bisexual people in Italy: A snapshot of reality and sociodemographic characteristics involved in the recognition and denial
Antonio Prunas (Italy): Social and psychological correlates of transphobia
Paolo Valerio (Italy): Gender Identification and Transition Path in Italian Trans Population: The Decline of the Genitals Centrality
Roberto Baiocco (Italy): Same-Sex and Different-Sex Parent Families in Italy: Parenting Dimensions and Child Health Outcomes
Stefano Eleuteri (Italy): How to address working with older bisexual clients and their partners?