Program changes made after May 9, 2017 (not included in the printed Final program) are available HERE (pdf) – updated on May 29, 12:45.
Sunday, May 28 – Zenit + Nadir Hall |
Opening Ceremony | |
11:30–12:00 |
Presidential Lecture
Chair: Petr Weiss (Czech Republic) |
Relationships, ageing and equality
Kevan Wylie (UK) |
12:00–12:30 |
John Money Lecture
Chair: Eli Coleman (USA) |
Brain mechanisms of sexual desire, pleasure, and inhibition
James Pfaus (Canada) |
12:30–13:30 | Lunch Break |
13:30–14:00 |
WAS Gold Medalist Lecture
Chair: Elsa Mari Almås (Norway) |
GM-5 |
40 Years of Academic Sex – Straight from My Heart
Lars-Gösta Dahlöf (Sweden) |
Plenary Session: New Trends in Psychological Interventions
Chairs: James Pfaus (Canada) & Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles (Mexico) |
PL-02 |
Sexocorporel: Why it is important to consider the body in sex therapy
Karoline Bischof (Switzerland) |
PL-03 |
New treatment approaches for sexual dysfunctions: How to increase sexual thoughts and positive emotions
Pedro Nobre (Portugal) |
PL-04 |
Impulsive/Compulsive Sexual Behavior – A Sex Positive and Integrated Model of Treatment
Eli Coleman (USA) |
15:30–16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:00–17:30 |
WAS Session: Past, Present and Future of Sexology
Chairs: Rubén Hernández (Venezuela) & Pedro Nobre (Portugal) |
PL-05 |
Sciences of sexuality: history and perspectives
Alain Giami (France) |
PL-06 |
The sexologist standpoint: on the need to adopt the transdisciplinary model
Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles (Mexico) |
PL-07 |
Women in WAS. The historical struggle for gender equality
Esther Corona-Vargas, Adriana Corona-Vargas (Mexico) |
17:30–18:00 |
WAS Gold Medalist Lecture
Chair: Alain Giami (France) |
GM-1 |
Sexual Justice and the Limits of Progress
Jeffrey Weeks (UK) |
16:00–17:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-01: When sexual arousal and desire go awry (IASR Symposium)
Chair: James Pfaus (Canada) |
Measuring paraphilic arousal in the lab: How hard can it be?
J. Paul Fedoroff (Canada) |
Taking the hype out of hypersexuality: Psychophysiological studies in men who have sex with men (MSM)
Erick Janssen (Belgium/USA) |
Animal fetishes… or when learning about sexual reward trumps instinct about reproduction
James Pfaus (Canada) |
16:00–17:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-02: New trends in the field of sexual medicine (ISSM Symposium)
Chairs: Emmanuele A. Jannini (Italy) & Edward Kim (USA) |
Psychometric measurement of human orgasm
Emmanuele A. Jannini (Italy) |
Flibanserin: The Year in Review – Fairy Tale or Horror Story?
Melissa Dahir (USA) |
Use of SERMs for the Treatment of Male Hypogonadism; Challenges and Practical Application
Edward Kim (USA) |
Sexual health in the higher age groups
Woet L. Gianotten (the Netherlands) |
08:00–10:00 |
Workshop W-1: Binaries & Boxes (or Not!) – Understand Human Sexuality – Understand Life!
Delene van Dyk (South Africa) |
16:00–17:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-03: Developing standards of care for discrimination-free sexual health services (UNAIDS Symposium)
Chair: Eszter Kismödi (Switzerland/Hungary) |
The Agenda for Zero Discrimination in Health Care
Luisa Cabal (Switzerland) |
Integrating Human Rights and Women’s Health. Competencies for Practice
Lesley Regan (UK) |
WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights: operationalization through standards of care
Eli Coleman (USA) |
The Asia Pacific Trans Health Blueprint towards discrimination-free healthcare
Joe Wong (Thailand) |
08:00–10:00 |
Workshop W-2: Practical introduction into Sexocorporel counseling
Karoline Bischof (Switzerland) |
16:00–17:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-04: The advanced research of sexual science and rich Chinese sexual arts (World Chinese Society for Sexology Symposium)
Chair: Lin Tao (China) |
Research on the characteristics of sexual paintings, sexual sculptures and sexual expressions in China
Mingming Li, Peicheng Hu (China) |
Chinese sex humorous photography
Lin Tao (China) |
The advanced research of clitoris orgasm and vaginal climax
Qian Yang (China) |
The new technique for treatment of ED
Qinghua Wang (China) |
“Jie Na cream” for female sexual dysfunction (FSD) and sexual organs health research
Jianzhong Zha (China) |
The analysis of the psychological experience for female sexual orgasm in China
Peicheng Hu, Rui Yang (China) |
Workshop W-3: Sexual assault: Addressing hidden vulnerabilities
Inge Hansen (USA) |
16:00–17:30 |
Top 10 Best Abstracts Session – part 1
Chair: Jaroslav Zvěřina (Czech Republic) |
(ID 298) |
Female survivors of sexual abuse: Do they differ in sexual behavior, attitudes, and perceptions towards sexuality? Findings from a cross-sectional survey conducted among university students in Lebanon
Faysal El Kak, Noura El Salibi, Rola Yasmine, Lilian Ghandour (Lebanon) |
(ID 127) |
Focusing on the Positive: How Resilience Shapes Risk for Sexual Intimate Partner Violence in 30 Resource-Constrained Countries
Nicholas Metheny, Rob Stephenson (USA) |
(ID 413) |
Global Family Planning Programming: key evaluation findings and recommendations
Hermen Ormel, Meg Braddock, Lynn Bakamjian, Michele Gross, Louis Charpentier (the Netherlands, Spain, USA & Denmark) |
(ID 437) |
Temporal Trends in HPV Related Knowledge: A Global Systematic Review
Sharice Preston, Kemesha Gabbidon, Rachel Clarke, William Darrow (USA) |
(ID 110) |
Evolutionary and social cognitive models of jealousy: a population-representative study
Richard de Visser, Juliet Richters, Chris Rissel, Judy Simpson, Andrew Grulich (UK & Australia) |
16:00–17:30 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-01: Sexual Medicine
Chairs: Renata Androvicova (Czech Republic), Nicoletta Cera (Portugal) & Mohamed Hammoud (Australia) |
(ID 375) |
Improvement in Female Sexual Function using Co2 Laser Therapy
Maria Sophocles, Faiza Sadiq (USA) |
(ID 436) |
Sexual and Drug-Related Practices of Queer Men who Party-n-Play
Rusty Souleymanov (Canada) |
(ID 169) |
Gay and bisexual men alternate ways of obtaining erectile dysfunction medication and their reasons for use
Mohamed Hammoud, Fengyi Jin, Toby Lea, Garrett P. Prestage (Australia) |
(ID 170) |
Off-label use of erectile dysfunction medication to enhance sex among gay and bisexual men in Australia
Mohamed Hammoud, Fengyi Jin, Toby Lea, Lisa Maher, Garrett P. Prestage (Australia) |
(ID 199) |
Acute cannabis intoxication and the brain's response to visual erotica: an fMRI study
Renata Androvicova, Jiri Horacek, Jaroslav Tintera, Jan Rydlo, Daniela Jezova, Marie Balikova, Tomas Hlozek, Petra Miksatkova, Martin Kuchar, Jaroslav Hlinka, Michael Roman, Pavel Tomicek, Michaela Viktorinova, Filip Tyls, Tomas Palenicek (Czech Republic) |
(ID 394) |
Frontoparietal and Salience Networks Alterations in Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction
Nicoletta Cera, Joana Carvalho, Ana Quinta-Gomes, Raquel Pereira, Cátia Oliveira, João Castelhano, Erick Janssen, Miguel Castelo Branco, Pedro Nobre (Portugal, Belgium & USA) |
(ID 118) |
Sex Coaching as an Emerging Profession: A Modality to Enhance Sexual Well-Being
Christina Stein, Patti Britton, Jenn Gunsaullus, Robert Dunlap (USA) |
(ID 473) |
Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy improves erectile dysfunction – a pilot study with 2 years follow-up
Lars Lund, Milad Hanna (Denmark & UK) |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-05: How to improve sexual desire in women? (FLASSES Symposium)
Please note that this symposium will be parallely in Spanish and English. Chair: Jaqueline Brendler (Brazil) |
The etiology of sexual desire disorder
Felipe Hurtado Murillo (Spain) |
Drugs and sexual desire
Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles (Mexico) |
Psychotherapeutic techniques to increase sexual desire in women
Jaqueline Brendler (Brazil) |
09:30–10:30 |
Plenary Session: Sexual Medicine
Chairs: P. Ganesan Adaikan (Singapore) & Petr Weiss (Czech Republic) |
PL-08 |
Sexual Medicine – bringing somatic medicine and psychotherapy together
Johannes Bitzer (Switzerland) |
PL-09 |
Linda Vignozzi, Mario Maggi (Italy) |
10:30–11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:00–11:30 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Petr Weiss (Czech Republic) |
PL-10 |
How Sex Changed: Europe 1930s, US 1950s
Richard Green (USA) |
11:30–13:00 |
Plenary Session: Transgender and no-binary focus
Chairs: Richard Green (USA) & Chiara Simonelli (Italy) |
PL-11 |
WHO's in the Spotlight? Interrogating Sexuality and Disorder in ICD-11
Sam Winter (Australia) |
PL-12 |
A crusade against the “perverse gender ideology” – the new campaign used by fundamentalists to attack trans, intersex, androgynous or gender fluid persons
Tamara Adrián (Venezuela) |
PL-13 |
Impact of the Health-Based Approach on SOGIE in Japan
Yuko Higashi (Japan) |
13:00–14:00 | Lunch Break |
14:00–14:30 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Kateřina Klapilová (Czech Republic) |
PL-14 |
Paraphilias and Paradigms
J. Paul Fedoroff (Canada) |
14:30–15:00 |
WAS Gold Medalist Lecture
Chair: Esther Corona-Vargas (Mexico) |
GM-2 |
The changing focus and scope of sexual science and policies
Rafael Mazin (USA) |
15:00–16:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-08: AASECT at 50: Visions for Sexuality Education and Therapy (AASECT Symposium)
Chair: Konnie McCaffree (USA) |
Creating Effective Sexuality Education
Konnie McCaffree (USA) |
Integrating Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit: A Holistic Approach to Sex Therapy and Supervision
Gina Ogden (USA) |
16:00–19:00 | WAS General Assembly |
08:00–09:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-06: Progress in Sexuality Education (WAS Sexuality Education Committee Symposium)
Chair: Osmo Kontula (Finland) |
What boys desire to know about sex
Osmo Kontula (Finland) |
ZANZU: An internet-based approach to improved sexual health for migrants
Christine Winkelmann (Germany) |
“Do you want to?” – A sex-positive approach to consent
Hans Olsson (Sweden) & Pelle Ullholm (Sweden) |
Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Latin America. State of the Art, achievements and challenges
Esther Corona-Vargas (Mexico) |
15:00–16:20 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-09: Unmet needs in sexual care (ESSM Symposium)
Chairs: Yacov Reisman (the Netherlands) & Geoff Hackett (UK) |
Unmet needs in… Science and Education, What ESSM can offer
Yacov Reisman (the Netherlands) |
Unmet needs in… Pornography, Sexual Health and Social Media
Geoff Hackett (UK) |
Unmet needs in… Sexual Medicine and the Oncology Patient
Gideon Sartorius (Switzerland) |
Unmet needs in… PDE5-I Non-Responders
Juan Ignacio Martinez Salamanca (Spain) |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-07: Male Circumcision – Exploring Unspoken Consequences (Sexpo Foundation and Genital Autonomy Symposium)
Chair: Tiina Vilponen (Finland) |
Protecting the Rights of the Child
Tiina Vilponen (Finland) |
Health-Related and Sexual Consequences of Non-Therapeutic Male Circumcision in Childhood
Morten Frisch (Denmark) |
Non-therapeutic Circumcision: The Ethical Position of the Royal Dutch Medical Association
Gert van Dijk (the Netherlands) |
Gender, Genital Alteration, and Beliefs about Bodily Harm
Brian Earp (USA) |
A Summary of the Voices of the Damaged from the Records of 15 Square
David Smith (UK) |
15:00–16:00 |
Chair: Robert Kasenene (Tanzania) |
Speaker: Robert Kasenene (Tanzania) Respondents: Delene van Dyk (South Africa), Ekua Yankah (Germany/Ghana), Dorothy Aken'Ova (Nigeria) |
16:00–16:30 | Coffee Break |
16:30–17:30 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-2: Clinical Sexology I
Chairs: Jun Hyun Han (South Korea) & Jose Saffon (Colombia) |
(ID 445) |
The Sexual Pleasure Scale
Patrícia M. Pascoal, Diana Sanchez, Catarina Fonseca Raposo, Pedro Pechorro (Portugal & USA) |
(ID 451) |
Counselling Services for the Sexuality of Youth with Neurodevelopment Disorders
Patrícia M. Pascoal, M. Joana Almeida (Portugal) |
(ID 419) |
Quality of erections after completing a 5 sessions of Li-ESWT
Jose Saffon, Hector Corredor, Juan Martinez (Colombia) |
(ID 161) |
PDE5 Inhibitors Failures in Erectile Dysfunction – What Are the Causes?
Anna Fedorova, Sergei Vykhodtcev, Andrey Lukyanov (Russian Federation) |
(ID 162) |
Male Sexual Dysfunctions: Integrative Approach to Problem
Anna Fedorova, Sergei Vykhodtcev (Russian Federation) |
(ID 61) |
Biases of Visual Attention in Sexual Anxiety: An Eye-Tracking Study
YenChin Lin, Yungjui Huang, Yuanhsiang Chu (Taiwan) |
(ID 324) |
Original Technique for Penile Girth Augmentation Through Dermal Acellular Grafts
Piero Letizia, Giovanni Alei, Antonio Rossi (Italy) |
(ID 99) |
Zinc induces lipopolysaccharide-mediated upregulation of human β-defensin-2 in human prostate epithelial cells
Jun Hyun Han, Min Su Kim, Hae Jong Kim, Jaehyouk Lee, Soon Chul Myung (South Korea) |
(ID 358) |
Effect of physiotherapeutic intervention on coital pain
Lucia Alves Lara, Heliana Aparecida Da Silva Pandochi, Cristine Homse Jorge Ferreira, Silvio Antonio Franceschini (Brazil) |
(ID 323) |
Effect of vein graft in Peyronie’s disease on vascularity
Dong Sup Lee, Seung-Ju Lee (South Korea) |
08:00–09:30 |
Brief Communications Session BC-1: Sexual Dysfunctions
Chairs: Rigmor C. Berg (Norway) & Mauricio Lopez (Chile) |
(ID 313) |
Anal Pain and Penetration Cognitions in Men Who Have Sex with Men: A Pilot Study
Stephanie Gauvin, Caroline F. Pukall (Canada) |
(ID 98) |
Sexual health in obese women asking for bariatric surgery
Filippo Maria Nimbi, Emanuela Paone, Laura Pierro, Francesca Tripodi, Adele Fabrizi (Italy) |
(ID 316) |
ALEI II minimally invasive technique for the correction of penile curvature without circumcision
Piero Letizia, Giovanni Alei, Antonio Rossi (Italy) |
(ID 238) |
Impact of Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder on the female sexual response cycle
Carolina Ambrogini, Maria Cláudia Lordello, Suzane Holzhacker, Teresa Embiruçu, Laíse Silva, Ivaldo Silva (Brazil) |
(ID 178) |
Exploring the meaning of penetration in women with Life Long Vaginismus
Violeta Jawdokimova, Gordon Jinks (UK) |
(ID 24) |
“Ouch! It Hurts”: An Approach About the Factors Contributing to the Experience of Pain During Receptive Anal Intercourse
Mahamoud Baydoun, Carla Maria de Abreu Pereira, Carmita Helena Najjar Abdo, Giancarlo Spizzirri (Brazil) |
(ID 189) |
Reasons for and experiences with reparative interventions for female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C)
Rigmor C. Berg, Sølvi Taraldsen, Maryan Said, Ingvil Sørbye, Siri Vangen (Norway) |
(ID 336) |
Sexual dysfunction in postmenopausel women with Metabolic Syndrome: what is the more important impact factor?
Gustavo Maximiliano Dutra da Silva, Sônia Maria Rolim Rosa Lima, Benedito Fabiano Dos Reis, Carolina Furtado Macruz, Sóstenes Postigo (Brazil) |
(ID 53) |
Rochelle Hamilton (Australia) |
(ID 221) |
Urinary incontinence and sexual satisfaction in Chilean older people
Mauricio Lopez, Cristhel Fagerstrom, Julieta Aranguiz, Cecilia Albala (Chile) |
(ID 474) |
Idiopatic penile edema treated with ESWT – a new treatment option?
Lars Lund (Denmark) |
(ID 315) |
Hisham Sharif, Vincenzo Puppo, Mansour El Fekih (Tunisia, Italy & Canada) |
15:00–16:00 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-02: LGBT – part 1
Chairs: Heather Armstrong (Canada) & Shawn Chrisman (USA) |
(ID 132) |
Gay and Bisexual Men who Trade Sex for Money, Goods, or Drugs in Vancouver, Canada
Heather Armstrong, Nathan J. Lachowsky, Lu Wang, Julia Zhu, Matthew Taylor, Ashleigh J. Rich, Kiffer G. Card, Gbolahan Olarewaju, Robert S. Hogg, David M. Moore, Eric A. Roth (Canada) |
(ID 390) |
Relation between HIV status, risky sexual behavior, and mental health in an gay men sample from three Chilean cities
Jaime Barrientos, Fabiola Gomez, Manuel Cardenas (Chile) |
(ID 81) |
“No for Sissies”: Anti-Effeminacy among Users of Grindr in the Amazons
Mahamoud Baydoun, Melissa Andrea Vieira de Medeiros (Brazil) |
(ID 34) |
The Lived Experiences of Asexual-Spectrum Identifying Males
Scott Donatti, P. J. Matt Tilley (Australia) |
(ID 52) |
Gay men, sexuality and mental health after prostate cancer
Gary Dowsett, Duane Duncan, Daniel Du Plooy, Andrea Waling, Garrett Prestage (Australia) |
(ID 134) |
Transgender people and sexual health – findings from a Swedish interview study
Malin Lindroth (Sweden) |
(ID 210) |
Sexual Orientation Effects on Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction according to Desire Discrepancy in Men
Maria Manuela Peixoto, Tiago Pereira (Portugal) |
16:00–16:30 | Coffee Break |
16:30–17:30 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-02: LGBT – part 2
Chairs: Heather Armstrong (Canada) & Shawn Chrisman (USA) |
(ID 173) |
Masculinity, femininity, and sexual preferences in sexual encounters among Australian gay and bisexual men
Garrett Prestage, Steven Philpot, Iryna Zablotska, Johann Kolstee, Benjamin Bavinton (Australia) |
(ID 222) |
Michael W. Ross, Axel Schmidt, Rigmor Berg (USA, UK & Norway) |
(ID 301) |
A rainbow in-between: sensitisation approaches in an international development organisation
Sebastiana Etzo, Abigail Rowlands (UK) |
(ID 95) |
Transgender youth and sexuality – Experiences from our Empowerment groups
Anders Royneberg, Trude Slettvoll Lien (Norway) |
(ID 368) |
Experience report on setting up a transdisciplinary outpatient unit for transgender health
Denise Leite Vieira, Ana Luiza Fanganiello, Marina Milograna Zaneti, Fernanda De Sousa Vieira, Adriano Brasolin, Natalia Turena Rocha, Eduardo Sodré, Mariana Silveira, Thales Cervi, Sonia Penteado, Maria José Brito, Juliana Alves, Marisa Mota, Fabiola Holanda, Luiza Tanaka, Maria José Fernandes, Claudia Takano, Samira Yarak, Renata Azevedo, Aecio Gois, Ivaldo Silva, Jair Mari, Pedro Pereira, Lydia Ferreira, Magnus R. Dias-Da-Silva (Brazil) |
(ID 485) |
Trans Depathologization: A Sexual Rights Issue
Mauro Cabral Grinspan (Argentina) |
(ID 44) |
GPS-Enabled Apps & Gay Male Relationships: Relationship & Sexual Satisfaction Impacts
Shawn Chrisman, Sabitha Pillai-Friedman (USA) |
08:00–09:30 |
Brief Communications Session BC-2: Sexuality Education
Chairs: Katarzyna Grunt-Mejer (Poland) & P. J. Matt Tilley (Australia) |
(ID 212) |
Porn as Sex Education – Findings from a Public Screening of Queer Porn
Kate Dawson (Ireland) |
(ID 227) |
Determination of Nursing Students' Sexual Myths in Turkey
Duygu Vefikulucay Yilmaz, Tuba Guner Emul, Asiye Uzel, Filiz Değirmenci, Aysu Koptur, Aslıhan Aksu, Ahu Aksu (Turkey) |
(ID 337) |
No health without sexual health; no education without sexual health education
David Evans (UK) |
(ID 299) |
Promotion of sexual health: between sexual education and sexualization. The example of Poland
Karolina Kolodziejczak, Monika Puszyk (Poland) |
(ID 382) |
Polish sexual education for teenagers: the gendered discourse of moral, psychological and health risk
Katarzyna Grunt-Mejer (Poland) |
(ID 39) |
Examining the invisibility of African Americans within comprehensive sexuality textbo
James Wadley (USA) |
(ID 254) |
Women’s experiences of and attitudes towards sexually explicit images on social networking sites
P. J. Matt Tilley, Dana Colman (Australia) |
(ID 235) |
The influence of pornography on young people’s sexual health and behaviour
Alyshia Murgatroyd-Giffen, Darren Bishopp (UK) |
(ID 96) |
A research on self-participant sexual health education among middle high school students
Dashuai Lian, Bei Yang, Nana Peng, Yesheng Wang, Zhenyun Huang, Fan Yuan, Zhenyu Pan, Xinrui Feng, Xiaobin Shen, Bei Wang (China) |
15:00–16:00 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-03: Sexuality Education – part 1
Chairs: Jessica Castillo Nuñez (Ecuador) & Paulien van Haastrecht (the Netherlands) |
(ID 411) |
Towards building a bridge: Exploring adolescents and their teachers’ perceptions of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ecuador
Jessica Castillo Nuñez, Ilse Derluyn, Martin Valcke (Ecuador & Belgium) |
(ID 203) |
Evaluation of sexuality education for young newcomers in Sweden
Kerstin Isaxon (Sweden) |
(ID 347) |
Experiences of teaching sexual and reproductive health to students with intellectual disabilities: A pheonemological study
Becky Nelson, Karen Odberg Pettersson (Sweden) |
(ID 253) |
Enduring Impact of University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Clinical Sexology Training
Prem Pahwa, Alexandra Smith, Sallie Foley (USA) |
(ID 240) |
Measuring the quality and comprehensiveness of sexuality education at the school level in four developing countries
Sarah Keogh, Melissa Stillman, Estelle Sidze, Kofi Awusabo-Asare, Angelica Motta, Ana Silvia Monzon, Ellie Leong (USA, Kenya, Ghana, Peru & Guatemala) |
(ID 484) |
American Abstinence
Bill Taverner (USA) |
16:00–16:30 | Coffee Break |
16:30–17:30 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-03: Sexuality Education – part 2
Chairs: Jessica Castillo Nuñez (Ecuador) & Paulien van Haastrecht (the Netherlands) |
(ID 295) |
The foundation of sexological education: Beliefs, attitudes and values
P. J. Matt Tilley (Australia) |
(ID 402) |
SPRINGFEVER: Online teaching package for primary schools in the Netherlands
Paulien van Haastrecht, Elsbeth Reitzema, Ineke van der Vlugt, Patty Krijgsman (the Netherlands) |
(ID 283) |
Effect of communication skills-based consulting on the correlation between viewpoint the mothers and teenage girls about sex dialogue-Gorgan-Iran
Tayebe Ziaei, Maryam Ghanbari, Masumeh Rezaei Aval, Nasser Behnampour (Iran) |
(ID 326) |
Preventing sexual violence against children – Effective sex education
Marijke Bleeker, Ellen Van Der Staal (the Netherlands) |
(ID 32) |
Nurses’ potential influence on sexual health of home care residents
Michaela Simonik, Ian Needham (Switzerland) |
(ID 452) |
Youtube series support Dutch girls in choosing a contraceptive method
Yuri Ohlrichs, Hanneke Roosjen (the Netherlands) |
08:00–09:30 |
Brief Communications Session BC-3: Gender and Sexuality
Chairs: Joana Carvalho (Portugal) & Ralf Lottmann (Germany) |
(ID 10) |
Gender differences in the processing of romantic versus sexually explicit stimuli: findings from an automatic attention task
Joana Carvalho, Oleg Czop, Marta Rocha, Pedro Nobre, Sandra Soares (Portugal) |
(ID 150) |
Brazilian Transgender and Gender Diverse People HIV-Related Healthcare Needs and Access Barriers
Angelo Brandelli Costa, Ramiro Figueiredo Catelan, Heitor Tome Da Rosa Filho, Paola Fagundes Pase, Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari, Andressa Mueller, Dhiordan Cardoso, Bianca Soll, Karine Schwarz, Maiko Abel Schneider, Daniel Augusto Mori Gagliotti, Alexandre Saadeh, Rodrigues Lobato, Henrique Caetano Nardi, Silvia Helena Koller (Brazil) |
(ID 300) |
“It takes a man to put me on the bottom”: Gay men’s experiences of masculinity and sex
James Ravenhill (UK) |
(ID 360) |
Self-Perception of “Normality” or “Abnormality” in Colombian Trans People
Bernardo Useche, Germán Quiroz, Camila Pinilla (Colombia) |
(ID 125) |
Chinese women’s sexual desire in the patriarchal society
Qian Yang, Peicheng Hu (China) |
(ID 447) |
Female sexual desire as seen by leading female sexologists
Tatiana Strepetova, Domenico Trotta (Italy) |
(ID 103) |
The visibility of female sexual health: a rapid test approach
Sandra Scalco, Daniela Knauth, Mônica Feijó, Marília Karpes, Emília Wachter, Jessica Weber (Brazil) |
(ID 12) |
The Four-Dimensional Wheel: A Client-Centered Approach for Expanding Women’s Sexual Health
Gina Ogden, Lindsay Jernigan, Tina Nevin (USA & Sweden) |
(ID 144) |
Autogynephilia and autoandrophilia revisited
Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad, Elsa Mari Almås (Norway) |
(ID 329) |
Genital Self-Image and Body Exposure Anxiety of Individuals in Same-Gender versus Mixed-Gender Relationships
Stephanie Gauvin, Caroline F. Pukall (Canada) |
(ID 97) |
Biopsychosocial Predictors of sexual desire level in men
Filippo Maria Nimbi, Francesca Tripodi, Roberta Rossi, Chiara Simonelli (Italy) |
(ID 219) |
Aging & Diversity: LGBT Seniors and Long-term Care
Ralf Lottmann, Ingrid Kollak (Germany) |
(ID 229) |
Attitudes of nurses towards lesbians and gays in Turkey
Duygu Vefikulucay Yilmaz, Filiz Değirmenci, Yağmur Sürmeli, Murat Benli, Nimet Suadiye (Turkey) |
15:00–16:00 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-04: Female Sexuality – part 1
Chairs: Aileen Burton (Ireland) & Gustavo Maximiliano Dutra da Silva (Brazil) |
(ID 18) |
Sensate Focus in Sex Therapy and Sexual Health: The Art and Science of Mindful Touch
Constance Avery-Clark, Linda Weiner (USA) |
(ID 154) |
Personality correlates of sexual self-esteem in young women with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome
Maria Beisert, Aleksandra M. Chodecka, Katarzyna Walczyk-Matyja, Marta E. Szymańska-Pytlińska, Witold Kędzia, Karina Kapczuk (Poland) |
(ID 151) |
Predictors of Sexual Functioning in Irish Women with Diabetes
Aileen Burton, Vicki Livingstone (Ireland) |
(ID 205) |
Sexual activity, sexual function, and sexual satisfaction among women living with HIV: A feminist scoping review of 20 years of global epidemiological research
Allison Carter, Saara Greene, Deborah Money, Robert S. Hogg, Margarite Sanchez, Kath Webster, Valerie Nicholson, Kate Salters, Lori A. Brotto, Catherine Hankins, Angela Kaida, on behalf of the Sex, Intimacy, and HIV Research Team (Canada & the Netherlands) |
(ID 208) |
Affirming the rights of women living with HIV to sexual satisfaction and sexual pleasure: A quantitative analysis across five relationship types
Allison Carter, Saara Greene, Deborah Money, Robert S Hogg, Margarite Sanchez, Kath Webster, Valerie Nicholson, Kate Salters, Lori A. Brotto, Catherine Hankins, Mary Kestler, Nadia O’Brien, Alexandra De Pokomandy, Mona Loutfy, Angela Kaida, on behalf of the CHIWOS Research Team (Canada & the Netherlands) |
(ID 179) |
Dimensions of Borderline personality organization and sexual interests
Antonio Prunas, Elisa Viozzi (Italy) |
16:00–16:30 | Coffee Break |
16:30–17:30 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-04: Female Sexuality – part 2
Chairs: Aileen Burton (Ireland) & Gustavo Maximiliano Dutra da Silva (Brazil) |
(ID 333) |
Menopause and obesity: a risk factor for sexual dysfunction?
Gustavo Maximiliano Dutra da Silva, Sônia Maria Rolim Rosa Lima, Benedito Fabiano Dos Reis, Carolina Furtado Macruz, Sóstenes Postigo (Brazil) |
(ID 157) |
Overcoming the odds: Positive deviance and contraceptive use in Africa
Tamar Goldenberg, Rob Stephenson (USA) |
(ID 104) |
Vaccinating against human papillomavirus is not associated with risky sexual behaviours among men who have sex with men
Eric Chow, Marcus Chen, Catriona Bradshaw, Christopher Fairley (Australia) |
(ID 213) |
Is persistent genital arousal disorder a subtype of vulvodynia? Comparing psychosocial correlates in women with persistent genital arousal and vulvodynia symptoms
Robyn Jackowich, Leah Pink, Allan Gordon, Caroline Pukall (Canada) |
(ID 267) |
Factors Influencing Adolescent Pregnancy among the Women of Rural Eastern Terai, Nepal
Nisha Manandhar, Sailesh Bhattarai, Abha Shrestha, Dharani Dhar Baral, Samyog Uprety, Nilambar Jha (Nepal) |
(ID 76) |
Female masturbatory practices and sexual health: A qualitative exploration of women's perspectives
Valerie Morin, Sylvie Levesque, Julie Lavigne (Canada) |
(ID 443) |
Impact of body appearance beliefs on sexual functioning on men and women
Patrícia M. Pascoal, Elizabet Silva, Pedro Nobre (Portugal) |
08:00–09:30 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-1: Sexual Health
Chairs: Jade Bilardi (Australia) & Monika Piliarová (Slovak Republic) |
(ID 244) |
Reproductive Autonomy and Sexual Health: Experiences and Representations of Young Women attending College and University in Mumbai, India
Sarah Beauchemin-Roy, Sylvie Lévesque, Mathieu Boisvert (Canada) |
(ID 166) |
Women’s need for increased awareness and acknowledgement of the grief and loss associated with miscarriage
Jade Bilardi, Clare Bellhouse, Meredith Temple-Smith, Shaun Watson (Australia) |
(ID 29) |
Margherita Colombo, Lia Di Maio (Italy) |
(ID 59) |
Drug resistance Among women Attending Antenatal Clinic
Philip Enyan (Ghana) |
(ID 466) |
Penile length and sexual function in patients with BPH
Seung-Ju Lee, Dong-sup Lee (South Korea) |
(ID 277) |
“Relationship in colours and words” CBT couple therapy by influence of art techniques
Monika Piliarová, Soňa Lovašová (Slovak Republic) |
(ID 107) |
Attachment, aggression and sexuality in a sample of Italian violent offenders
Valeria Saladino, Lilybeth Fontanesi, Stefano Eleuteri, Matteo Pio Ferrara, Clarissa Agata Albanese, Valeria Verrastro (Italy) |
(ID 418) |
Lucia Ucsnik, A. Stift, B. Teleky (Austria) |
(ID 322) |
Two years experience with penile low-intensity shock wave therapy for erectile dysfunction
Piero Letizia, Giovanni Alei, Antonio Rossi, Ferdinando De Marco (Italy) |
15:00–16:00 |
Oral Presentations in Spanish/Portuguese – part 1
Chairs: Marisalva Fávero (Portugal) & Karine Schwarz (Brazil) |
(ID 188) |
José Mauricio Contreras San Juan (Chile) |
(ID 430) |
Intersexuality in Brazilian media, medical discourses and contemporary activism
Anacely Costa (Brazil) |
(ID 468) |
Sexual street harassment in Portugal: beliefs and realities
Marisalva Fávero, Diana Martins (Portugal) |
(ID 339) |
Profile of Brazilian transsexual women who underwent Gender Affirmation Surgery
Karine Schwarz, Dhiordan Cardoso Da Silva, Angelo Brandelli Costa, Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari, Tiago Rosito, Gabriel Veber Moises Da Silva, Maria Inês Rodrigues Lobato (Brazil) |
(ID 459) |
Relevance include Sexology in medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Francisco Viola (Argentina) |
16:00–16:30 | Coffee Break |
16:30–17:00 |
Oral Presentations in Spanish/Portuguese – part 2
Chairs: Marisalva Fávero (Portugal) & Karine Schwarz (Brazil) |
(ID 191) |
Experience report of a health professional training for transgender healthcare
Ana Luiza Fanganiello, Fernanda De Sousa Vieira, Claudete Morais, Marco Aurélio Tuena, Marina Zaneti, Denise Vieira, Monica Saldanha, Judit Lia Busanello, Magnus Dias Da Silva (Brazil) |
(ID 305) |
Karine Schwarz, Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari, Angelo Brandelli Costa, Bianca Machado Borba Soll, Dhiordan Cardoso Da Silva, Anna Paula De Sá Villas-Bôas, Carla Aparecida Cielo, Gabriele Rodrigues Bastilha, Vanessa Veis Ribeiro, Maria Elza Dorfmann, Maria Inês Rodrigues Lobato (Brazil) |
(ID 311) |
Karine Schwarz, Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari, Angelo Brandelli Costa, Bianca Machado Borba Soll, Dhiordan Cardoso Da Silva, Poli Mara Spritzer, Carla Aparecida Cielo, Maria Elza Dorfmann, André Oliveira Borba, Maria Inês Rodrigues Lobato (Brazil) |
17:00–17:30 |
Moderated Posters in Spanish/Portuguese
Chairs: Marisalva Fávero (Portugal) & Karine Schwarz (Brazil) |
(ID 462) |
Rosa Luisa Acuña (Mexico) |
(ID 467) |
Children and adolescents indirect victims of the child sexual abuse
Marisalva Fávero, Inês Rodrigues, Fátima Ferreira, Amaia Del Campo (Portugal & Spain) |
(ID 379) |
Contraceptive knowledge and practice among male adolescent in a border city of Mexico
Ana M. Valles-Medina, Daniel Quintana-Sánchez, Esmeralda Martínez-Guerra, Johana Ontiveros-Moreno, Rufino Menchaca-Díaz (Mexico) |
(ID 117) |
Derechos sexuales y violencia de género: algunas aproximaciones a la problemática de la violencia hacia personas LGBTI en Cuba
Manuel Vázquez Seijido (Cuba) |
08:00–09:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-11: Evolution of the concepts and treatments of male and female sexual dysfunctions (ABP Symposium)
Please note that this symposium will be in Portuguese (only slides will be in English). Chair: Carmita Abdo (Brazil) |
Evolution of the concepts and treatments of female sexual dysfunctions
Carmita Abdo (Brazil) |
Evolution of the concepts and treatments of male sexual dysfunctions
João Afif Abdo (Brazil) |
09:00–09:30 |
WAS Gold Medalist Lecture
Chair: Sara Nasserzadeh (Iran/USA) |
GM-3 |
The Intersection of Gender, Human Rights and Sexuality Education: From evidence to Practice
Mona M. Kaidbey (USA) |
09:30–10:30 |
Plenary Session: Sexuality Education
Chairs: Esther Corona-Vargas (Mexico) & Osmo Kontula (Finland) |
PL-15 |
Comprehensive Sexuality Education: origins, evidence and the future
Ekua Yankah (Germany) |
PL-16 |
Sex Education by Comics. A Light Medium for Heavy Issues
Tommi Paalanen (Finland) |
10:30–11:00 | Coffee Break |
11:00–11:30 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Erick Janssen (Belgium/USA) |
PL-17 |
Sue Carter (USA) |
11:30–12:30 |
Plenary Session: Relationships and Sexuality
Chairs: Sue Carter (USA) & Sara Nasserzadeh (Iran/USA) |
PL-18 |
Boundless as the sea: New directions in the study of sex and relationships
Erick Janssen (Belgium/USA) |
PL-19 |
Romance, Rapture, Rift, Repeat: The Trials and Tribulations of Intimate Relationships of Young People
Lucia O'Sullivan (Canada) |
12:30–14:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-13: Sexual Pleasure: From a comprehensive definition to practical implementation
Chairs: Doortje Braeken (the Netherlands) & Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA) |
Speakers: Doortje Braeken (the Netherlands), Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA), Eszter Kismödi (Switzerland/Hungary), Sara Nasserzadeh (Iran/USA), Carles Pericas (Spain), Hella Dee (the Netherlands) & Mauro Cabral Grinspan (Argentina) | |
13:30–14:30 | Lunch Break |
14:30–15:00 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Yuko Higashi (Japan) |
PL-20 |
Women, Young People, LGBTQI groups, Policy Advocacy
Dorothy Aken'Ova (Nigeria) |
15:00–16:30 |
WAS Session: Sexual Rights
Chairs: Dorothy Aken'Ova (Nigeria) & Tommi Paalanen (Finland) |
PL-21 |
Human Sexual Rights: Where we are 20 years later (1997–2017)
Ruben Hernandez-Serrano, Maria Perez-Conchillo, Aminta Parra-Colmenarez (Venezuela) |
PL-22 |
Family acceptance and support to win the fight against homophobia and transphobia
Luis Perelman (Mexico) |
PL-23 |
“Fulfil!”: A guide to translate young people's sexual rights into practice
Antón Castellanos-Usigli, Doortje Braeken (Mexico/USA & the Netherlands) |
16:30–17:00 | Coffee Break |
17:00–17:30 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Nadine Terrein-Roccatti (Mexico) |
PL-24 |
Tackling sexual violence against children
Corinne Dettmeijer-Vermeulen (the Netherlands) |
17:30–18:00 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Luis Perelman (Mexico) |
PL-25 |
Emotional and psychological expressions of the elements included in sexuality
Nadine Terrein-Roccatti (Mexico) |
18:00–18:30 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Lucia O'Sullivan (Canada) |
PL-26 |
Sexual Health Professional Development at Harbin Medical University China: Lessons Learned
Maryanne Doherty, Matt Tilley, Peng Tao (Canada, Australia & China) |
18:30–19:00 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Rosemary Coates (Australia) |
PL-27 |
Sexual function and wellbeing in young people
Kirstin Mitchell (UK) |
08:00–09:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-12: Some trends in contemporary sexology work in Portugal (SPSC & SPA Symposium)
Chairs: Sandra Vilarinho (Portugal) & Patrícia M. Pascoal (Portugal) |
The sexology clinic at the faculty of psychology of the University of Lisbon
Patrícia M. Pascoal, Joana Florindo, Catarina Raposo, Leonor Oliveira, Ana Filipa Beato (Portugal) |
Sex before the game…
Pedro Vendeira (Portugal) |
Sexual health and moment-to-moment awareness
Sandra Vilarinho (Portugal) |
15:00–16:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-14: Presentation of Czech Sexology
Chair: Petr Weiss (Czech Republic) |
History of the Czech scientific sexology
Jaroslav Zvěřina (Czech Republic) |
Differential diagnosis of female “sexual” fluids
Zlatko Pastor (Czech Republic) |
Czech survey of unusual sexual interests: love, porn, fantasy and behavior
Kateřina Klapilová, Lucie Krejčová, Klára Bartová, Renáta Androvičová, Petr Weiss (Czech Republic) |
Long-term observation of the spermatological parameters of the Czech men
Michal Pohanka, Jaroslav Zvěřina (Czech Republic) |
17:30–19:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-18: Fulfil Youth’s Sexual Rights! (WAS & IPPF Symposium)
Chairs: Doortje Braeken (the Netherlands) & Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA) Moderator: Eli Coleman (USA) |
Speakers: Doortje Braeken (the Netherlands), Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA), Lena Luyckfasseel (Belgium), Esther Corona-Vargas (Mexico) & Stefano Eleuteri (Italy) | |
08:00–09:00 |
Brief Communications Session BC-4: Miscellaneous
Chairs: Jaime Barrientos (Chile) & Laura Hurley (UK) |
(ID 82) |
Sexual Activity in the Elderly Japanese
Chineko Araki, Hirohisa Imai, Hiroyuki Nakao, Hidehiro Sugisawa, Fusako Seki, Nanako Tamiya (Japan) |
(ID 389) |
Subjective well-being and levels of clinical symptomatology in a transwomen sample and men who have sex with men in Chile
Jaime Barrientos, Fabiola Gomez, Manuel Cardenas (Chile) |
(ID 226) |
Annamaria Giancaspero (Italy) |
(ID 156) |
Applying a Positive Deviance Approach to Understanding Maternal Healthcare Use in Bangladesh
Tamar Goldenberg, Rob Stephenson (USA) |
(ID 84) |
Measuring abortion stigma as it affects young women in Benin, Burkina Faso, India and Pakistan
Laura Hurley, Rebecca Wilkins (UK) |
(ID 27) |
Porn Literacy: Raising Sexually Intelligent Young People
Naomi Hutchings (Australia) |
(ID 458) |
Sexuality research in the era of HIV and AIDS: Enhancing or damaging human sexuality?
Sharful Islam Khan (Bangladesh) |
(ID 77) |
Does acceptance mean permission? Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to “Treat” ego-dystonic masturbation in a devout Jewish man
Tal Peleg-Sagy (Israel) |
15:00–16:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-15: Why a wall between sexual health and reproductive health? (PAHO/WHO Symposium)
Chair: Rafael Mazin (USA) |
Current areas of concern in RH and their linkage to SH and provision of educational and health care services to young people
Suzana Serruya (Uruguay) |
New understandings of the concept “procreation” and sexual and reproductive dilemmas for specific groups and populations
Rodolfo Gomez Ponce de Leon (Uruguay) |
Advancing STI prevention through sexual health promotion: brief sexuality-related communication and sexual health indicators
Igor Toskin (Switzerland) & Karel Blondeel (Belgium) |
Reproductive Health in the XXI Century
Rafael Mazin (USA) |
17:30–19:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-19: Promoting sexual health through SDGs and Human Rights (UNESCO Chaire Sexual health & human rights, SFSC and ASCLIF Symposium)
Chairs: Ingrid Geray (France) & Michel Lombard (France) Moderators: Tamara Adrián (Venezuela) & Yuko Higashi (Japan) |
The context of sexual health in France and new national sexual health strategy 2017–2030
Thierry Troussier, Jean-Christophe Comboroure (France) |
Motivational interviewing applied to sexual health and human rights: a fast track pilot training for pharmacists
Stephanie Esteve Terré, Marie Chollier, Stella Tiendrebeogo, René Maarek, Jérôme André, Thierry Troussier (France) |
What future for medical training in France with the new priorities?
Michele Pujos Gautraud, Joelle Mignot, Thierry Troussier (France) |
The legal framework of the sexual health providers' consultation
Ingrid Geray, Capucine Ternisien D’Ouville (France) |
08:00–09:00 |
Brief Communications Session BC-5: Treatment
Chairs: Inés Bárcenas (Spain) & Dominic Davies (UK) |
(ID 6) |
Developing Critical Sexology Training
Dominic Davies (UK) |
(ID 87) |
People who buy sex. Experiences from our project “Health Service for People Who Buy Sex“
Anders Royneberg, Evelyn Simonnes (Norway) |
(ID 113) |
Sandra Scalco, Anna Bicca, Daniela Knauth, Aline Mondin, Tatiana Siviero, Filipe Renck (Brazil) |
(ID 31) |
Treatment of orgasm problems in women – three case studies
Dania Schiftan, Karoline Bischof, Bernhard Kneubühler (Switzerland) |
(ID 289) |
The theoretical and practical implications of sex therapy online
Dariusz Skowronski, Katarzyna Waszynska (Japan & Poland) |
(ID 263) |
Literature Review: attachment style and hypersexual disorder
Inés Bárcenas, María Contreras, Elena Trigo, Carlos Chiclana (Spain) |
(ID 7) |
The impact of social context on the sexual health of Deaf adolescent girls
Hamid Mehrabi Kolibiki (France) |
(ID 342) |
Visual sense and sexual self-efficacy in physically disabled and blinded women and men, Isfahan, Iran
Tayebe Ziaei, Mehrdad Salehi, Abas Azarbayejani Hooman Kharaz Tavakol, Fatemeh Ziaei (Iran) |
15:00–16:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-16: Sexuality Education and Therapy: Perspectives from SSSS members (SSSS Symposium)
Chair: Terry Humphreys (Canada) |
Greek students’ understanding of sexual diversity and difference – implications for educational policies and practices
Margarita Gerouki (Greece) |
Teaching the teachers: Education strategies for subjective competence among sexual health practitioners (USA)
Shadeen Francis (USA) |
The state of Canadian sexuality education
Terry Humphreys (Canada) |
Christopher Fisher (Australia) |
17:30–19:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-20: Global Sexual Health Research with Vulnerable Populations: Perspectives from SSSS Members (SSSS Symposium)
Chair: Terry Humphreys (Canada) |
Stigma and discrimination and health and risk behavior of gay/bisexual men in Tanzania
Michael W. Ross (USA) |
The momentum health study: Understanding the context of HIV treatment as prevention among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Vancouver, Canada
Heather Armstrong (Canada) |
Sexual health and vulnerable populations in Papua New Guinea
Kelwyn Browne (Papua New Guinea) |
Understanding the complexity of sexual consent: Normative attitudes and behaviors in University women and men
Terry Humphreys (Canada) |
08:00–09:00 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-3: Clinical Sexology II
Chairs: Justyna Holka-Pokorska (Poland) & Meredith Temple-Smith (Australia) |
(ID 340) |
Sexual dysfunctions in patients referred to sleep disorders center
Justyna Holka-Pokorska, Adam Wichniak, Aleksandra Wierzbicka, Michał Lew-Starowicz, Michał Jarkiewicz, Wojciech Jernajczyk, Marek Jarema (Poland) |
(ID 440) |
Poppers and Sexual Behavior: An Intimate Relationship
Bernardo Banducci Rahe, Thiago Marques Fidalgo, Dartiu Xavier Silveira (Brazil) |
(ID 211) |
Does sexual functioning and satisfaction is impaired in self-diagnosis and objective female sexual difficulties?
Maria Manuela Peixoto, Adriana Correia (Portugal) |
(ID 168) |
Party drug use and sexual risk behaviours among gay and bisexual men
Mohamed Hammoud, Fengyi Jin, Lisa Maher, Garrett P. Prestage (Australia) |
(ID 328) |
Still a Taboo: Perspectives of Portuguese People with Physical Disabilities about their Sexual Health
Raquel Pereira, Pedro M. Teixeira, Pedro J. Nobre (Portugal) |
(ID 470) |
The effect of Dianabol on testicular morphometric in mice
Zahra Tootian, Hassan Morovvati, Mohammad Babaei (Iran) |
(ID 128) |
The Disincentives of Pregnancy and Requests toward Health Care Providers of Lesbian and Bisexual Females in Japan
Yining Tu, Natsuko Kojima, Ikuko Iwamoto, Fumiko Miyazaki (Japan) |
(ID 354) |
Susceptibility to hepatitis-A in sexually compulsive individuals, 2010–2015, Sao Paulo-Brazil
Isabelle V. V. Nisida, Maria L. S. do Amaral, Marco D. T. Scanavino (Brazil) |
(ID 13) |
Women view key sexual behaviours as the trigger for the onset and recurrence of bacterial vaginosis
Jade Bilardi, Sandra Walker, Meredith Temple-Smith, Ruth Mcnair, Julie Mooney-Somers, Lenka Vodstrcil, Clare Bellhouse, Christopher Fairley, Catriona Bradshaw (Australia) |
(ID 386) |
Residential Segregation and Disparities on HIV in Liberia
Darlington Bah, Stephen K. McGill (Liberia) |
15:00–16:30 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-17: New clinical perspectives on sexology (EFS Symposium)
Chair: Chiara Simonelli (Italy) |
Critiques & challenges to old and new DSM-5 criteria for sexual dysfunction
Mehmet Sungur (Turkey) |
Facts and prejudices on sexuality of people practicing BDSM
Francesca Tripodi (Italy) |
Addressing sexual problems after sexual violence and abuse through a combination of trauma theory and sex therapy
Elsa Mari Almås, Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad (Norway) |
17:30–19:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-21: How-to sexuality: being scientific and intervening trans-theoretical-disciplinary (SBRASH Symposium)
Chair: Itor Finotelli Jr. (Brazil) |
Female Sexual Dysfunctions Related to Pain: When and How to Treat Pelvic Floor Symptoms
Cristiane Carboni (Brazil) |
Antidepressants and Sexuality: a Brazilian review
Arnaldo Barbieri Filho (Brazil) |
Disparities between Sexual Orientation, Violence & Substance Use: an Overview of the Brazilian Scenario
Alessandra Diehl, Clarice Sandi Madruga, Raul Caetano, Sandra Cristina Pillon, Ronaldo Laranjeira (Brazil) |
What provokes erection in heterosexual intercourse?
Jaqueline Brendler (Brazil) |
08:00–09:00 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-4: Sexual Behaviors
Chairs: Ursina Brun del Re (Switzerland) & Inês Tavares (Portugal) |
(ID 286) |
Sexual Fantasies in Indian Male
Pawan Rathi, Ganpat Vankar, Nishant Ohri, Amandeep Gill (India) |
(ID 362) |
Sexual Satisfaction in Long-Term Relationships of Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Swiss National Study
Stefanie Spahni (Switzerland) |
(ID 257) |
The role of sexuality in establishing long-term relationships in late life
Anna Ševčíková, Jana Lichá, Lukas Blinka (Czech Republic) |
(ID 200) |
Orgasm likelihood in women as predicted by different sexual activities
Inês Tavares, Ellen Laan, Pedro Nobre (Portugal & the Netherlands) |
(ID 207) |
Psychological individual trait features as moderators of female orgasm occurrence
Inês Tavares, Ellen Laan, Pedro Nobre (Portugal & the Netherlands) |
(ID 38) |
Association Of Adult Men’s Visual Sexual Stimuli Use And Their Sexual Activities in Relationship
Ursina Brun del Re, Peter Hilpert, Brigitte Leeners (Switzerland & USA) |
15:00–16:30 |
Top 10 Best Abstracts Session – part 2
Chair: Pedro Nobre (Portugal) |
(ID 51) |
Sexual Life of Women with Rokitansky Syndrome after Laparoscopic Vecchietti’s Vaginoplasty
Roman Chmel, Zlatko Pastor, Marta Nováčková (Czech Republic) |
(ID 216) |
Is persistent genital arousal disorder a subtype of vulvodynia? Examining women’s self-reported symptom characteristics and medical histories
Robyn Jackowich, Leah Pink, Allan Gordon, Caroline Pukall (Canada) |
(ID 404) |
Psychosocial predictors of sexual self-esteem and sexual satisfaction in women with sexual pain
Cátia Oliveira, Pedro Nobre (Portugal) |
(ID 393) |
Brain Dynamics of the Inhibition of Genital Response in Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction
Nicoletta Cera, Joana Carvalho, Ana Quinta-Gomes, Raquel Pereira, Cátia Oliveira, João Castelhano, Erick Janssen, Miguel Castelo Branco, Pedro Nobre (Portugal, Belgium & USA) |
(ID 448) |
Pornography consumption in women and its association with sexual desire and sexual satisfaction
Lucie Krejčová, Michal Chovanec, Petr Weiss, Kateřina Klapilová (Czech Republic) |
17:30–19:00 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-06: Age and Sexuality
Chairs: Maki Hirayama (Japan) & Marina Nekić (Croatia) |
(ID 174) |
Pornography as a source of education about sex and sexuality among a sample of 15–29 year old Australians
Angela Davis, Elise Carrotte, Margaret Hellard, Meredith Temple-Smith, Megan Lim (Australia) |
(ID 363) |
Between the sheets: Attachment, communication and sexuality during adolescence
Mylène Fernet, Valérie Théorêt, Martine Hébert (Canada) |
(ID 28) |
An Examination of Sexting and Its Consequences Among College Students
Donald Strassberg, L. Holmes, A. Renee Nilssen (USA) |
(ID 11) |
The effect of age and sexual beliefs in the cognitive and emotional appraisal of sex pictures in a sample of Portuguese women
Joana Carvalho, Liliana Ferreira, Rita Rico, Isabel Santos (Portugal) |
(ID 302) |
Self-perception by Gender of sexual satisfaction in Chileans Elderly
Cristhel Fagerstrom, Mauricio Lopez, Julieta Aranguiz, Cecilia Albala (Chile) |
(ID 249) |
Delay in approval of OC in Japan and decline of sexual behavior
Maki Hirayama (Japan) |
(ID 160) |
Women's sexual satisfaction in long-term relationships: The role of sexual subjectivity, pornography and intimacy
Lucija Pavin, Marina Nekić, Ivana Tucak Junakovic (Croatia) |
(ID 465) |
Factors associated with sexuality in postpartum couples
Tomoko Saotome, Nobuhiko Suganuma (Japan) |
08:00–09:00 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-5: Gender and Orientation
Chairs: Nikola Komlenac (Austria) & Siobhán O'Higgins (Ireland) |
(ID 381) |
Commitment, Monogamy and Sex/Relationship Satisfaction in Gay Male Couples
Linda De Villers, Leor Ram (USA) |
(ID 348) |
Personality Traits in Asexual People
Ariel González Galeano (Paraguay) |
(ID 41) |
Men’s gender role conflict and the prevalence of sexual dysfunctions
Nikola Komlenac, Heidi Siller, Harald R. Bliem, Margarethe Hochleitner (Austria) |
(ID 223) |
Sexual orientation and drive: a comparative pilot study on sexual desire
Filippo Maria Nimbi, Francesca Tripodi, Scipione Piacenza, Chiara Simonelli (Italy) |
(ID 273) |
What is actually going on? A pilot participative study with Irish transgender young people
Siobhán O'Higgins, Patrick Murphy, Maggie Kirkman, Karalyn McDonald (Ireland & Australia) |
(ID 142) |
The effects of age preferences in sexual encounters among Australian gay and bisexual men
Garrett Prestage, Fengyi Jin, Steven Philpot, Phillip Keen, Iryna Zablotska, Johann Kolstee, Benjamin Bavinton (Australia) |
(ID 346) |
Gendered Sexual and Dating Experiences of South African Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)
Arjee Restar, Theo Sandfort, Kenneth Pass, Vasu Reddy (USA & South Africa) |
(ID 282) |
A study of trends observed in self-identified ‘asexual’ people
Pragati Singh (India) |
(ID 37) |
Charles Wampold (USA) |
(ID 341) |
Community involvement and HIV sexual risk among gay and bisexual men of colour
Ammaar Kidwai, Syed W. Noor, Marie Faaborg-Andersen, David J. Brennan, Clemon George, Trevor Hart, Peter A. Newman (Canada) |
15:00–16:30 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-05: Miscellaneous I
Chairs: Victoria Archer (Canada) & Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles (Mexico) |
(ID 242) |
Osunality for Sexuality Educators, Clinicians, Researchers and Advocates
Zelaika Hepworth Clarke (USA) |
(ID 198) |
Sexuality Education and Hookup culture in Taiwan
Yu-Chia Chiu, Chun-Ming Shih (Taiwan) |
(ID 192) |
Let's talk about sex, sexuality education for migrants in Norway
Trude S. Lien (Norway) |
(ID 370) |
Islam and sexuality by two Latin American converts in the US
Estefania Simich Muñoz, Shannon Chavez Qureshi (USA) |
(ID 224) |
Mind the Gap: An Analysis of the Disparity of Orgasm Rates in Male and Female Canadian University Students
Victoria Archer (Canada) |
(ID 46) |
From physical sex therapy to entertainment: the motivations of women buying sex in Australia
Hilary Caldwell, John De Wit (Australia) |
(ID 108) |
Consequences of pornography use
Alejandro Villena, Maria Contreras, Carlos Chiclana (Spain) |
(ID 460) |
An exploratory investigation on sexting and its perceived effects
Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles, Alicia Rojas-Flores, Verónica Delgado-Parra (Mexico) |
(ID 293) |
Sex workers who provide services to clients with disability in New South Wales, Australia
Rachel Wotton (Australia) |
(ID 288) |
Similarities and differences between sexual surrogacy, sex work and facilitated sexual assistance
Rachel Wotton, Saul Isbister (Australia) |
17:30–19:00 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-07: Miscellaneous II
Chairs: Diniz Lopes (Portugal) & Hubert Van Puyenbroeck (Belgium) |
(ID 314) |
Development and Validation of the SexFlex Scale
Stephanie Gauvin, Caroline F. Pukall (Canada) |
(ID 260) |
Kissing is association with the source for meeting casual partners in men who have sex with men
Eric Chow, David Priest, Sandra Walker, Vincent Cornelisse, Marcus Chen, Catriona Bradshaw, Tiffany Phillips, Christopher Fairley (Australia) |
(ID 435) |
Consensual Sexual Nonmonogamy, Extradyadic Sex, and Relationship Satisfaction
Diniz Lopes, David Rodrigues, Marco Pereira (Portugal) |
(ID 159) |
Friends with benefits: Are they really beneficial?
Marina Nekic, Ivana Garilovic, Marina Vidakovic (Croatia) |
(ID 206) |
Above and beyond genital sexual stimulation: Evidence towards a cognitive-affective conceptualization of female orgasm
Inês Tavares, Ellen Laan, Pedro Nobre (Portugal & the Netherlands) |
(ID 483) |
What's Up in Sex Ed? A Peek Behind the Curtain at The Center for Sex Education
Bill Taverner (USA) |
(ID 201) |
Online pornography in sex education at school: a Flemish survey
Hubert Van Puyenbroeck, Els Elaut, Guy T'Sjoen (Belgium) |
(ID 167) |
Young men or family doctors: who initiates sexual health discussions?
Meredith Temple-Smith, Archibald Collyer, Siobhan Bourke (Australia) |
(ID 261) |
The effect of group counseling based on self-awareness on sexual risk-taking amongst high school girls-Gorgan-Iran
Tayebe Ziaei, Golnoosh Kabiri, Masumeh Rezaei Aval, Mohammad Ali Vakili (Iran) |
08:00–09:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-22: Female sexual health: Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics considerations (SBRASH & FEBRASGO Symposium)
Chairs: Itor Finotelli Jr. (Brazil) & Lucia Alves Lara (Brazil) |
Sexual health in adolescence
Sandra Scalco (Brazil) |
Clinical Implications of Hair Removal from Female Genitalia
Lucia Alves Lara (Brazil) |
Family Planning: For Whom? – A Psychosexual Look
Sheila Reis (Brazil) |
09:00–11:00 |
WAS Session: Women and Sex
Chairs: Jaqueline Brendler (Brazil) & Kevan Wylie (UK) |
PL-28 |
Determinants of female sexual orgasms
Osmo Kontula (Finland) |
PL-29 |
Mapping what increases sexual arousal in heterosexual women
Jaqueline Brendler (Brazil) |
PL-30 |
Female masturbation: prevalence, characteristics & therapeutic implications
P. Ganesan Adaikan (Singapore) |
PL-31 |
Female Sexual Pain Disorders: Its no longer only in their heads!
Elna Rudolph (South Africa) |
11:00–11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:30–12:00 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Aleksandar Štulhofer (Croatia) |
PL-32 |
Sexual markets and erotic capital in the 21st century: the impact of the internet
Catherine Hakim (UK) |
12:00–13:00 |
Plenary Session: Pornography
Chairs: Alain Giami (France) & Catherine Hakim (UK) |
PL-33 |
Pornography use among young people
Feona Attwood (UK) |
PL-34 |
Effects of pornography use on adolescents’ sexual debut and condom use: A longitudinal assessment
Aleksandar Štulhofer, Teo Matković & Nicole Cohen (Croatia & USA) |
13:00–13:30 | WPATH Lecture |
WPATH Standards of Care Version 8 Listening Session
Gail Knudson (Canada) |
13:30–14:30 | Lunch Break |
14:30–15:00 |
WAS Gold Medalist Lecture
Chair: Eli Coleman (USA) |
GM-4 |
Normativities, Sexualities and Communities
Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale (Canada) |
15:00–15:30 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Rosemary Coates (Australia) |
PL-35 |
An incentive motivation and hierarchical model of sex – 2017
Frederick Toates (UK) |
15:30–16:00 |
Plenary Lecture
Chair: Elna Rudolph (South Africa) |
PL-36 |
Genital Practices Around the World – Cultural Norms vs. Popular Trends
Sara Nasserzadeh (Iran/USA) |
16:00–16:30 | Closing Ceremony |
08:00–09:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-23: Sexual Function in South Indian population Perspective – A prospective cohort study (IAFS Symposium)
Chair: P. Ganesan Adaikan (Singapore) |
Semen Parameters and Sexual Function in South Indian Male
Thangasamy Kamaraj (India) |
Unexplained infertility and Sexual Dysfunction among Infertile South Indian Women
Jeyarani Kamaraj (India) |
Vaginismus – pain in sex
K. J. Nivedhitha (India) |
09:30–11:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-24: Operational framework for sexual health and its linkages to reproductive health (WHO Symposium)
Chairs: Eli Coleman (USA) & Lale Say (Turkey) |
Research and program on sexual health and sexuality in Bangladesh: Successes and challenges
Sharful Islam Khan (Bangladesh) |
Sexual Rights as Human Rights: Meeting the Challenges
Eli Coleman (USA) |
Coming developments in sexual health indicators and measurement
Doris Chou (USA) |
Towards a new operational framework for sexual health
Rob Stephenson, Lianne Gonsalves, Doris Chou, Joanna Erdman, Regina Kulier, Paul Van Look, Kaye Wellings, Lale Say (USA, Canada, UK & Turkey) |
08:00–09:00 |
Brief Communications Session BC-6: Culture and Sexuality
Chairs: Mariaurora Mota (Mexico) & Karen Rayne (USA) |
(ID 294) |
Rubbers by Numbers – a survey about sexuality in the nordic countries
Suzann Larsdotter, Pelle Ullholm (Sweden) |
(ID 94) |
Anti-AIDS related knowledge among high middle school students in China, a systemic analysis
Dashuai Lian, Bei Yang, Nana Peng, Yesheng Wang, Zhenyun Huang, Fan Yuan, Zhenyu Pan, Xinrui Feng, Xiaobin Shen, Bei Wang (China) |
(ID 374) |
Legal rights for the LGBTI population in Mexico
Mariaurora Mota (Mexico) |
(ID 123) |
The impact of attachment relationships and religious belief in sexual wellbeing
Marjo Tossavainen (Finland) |
(ID 243) |
Domenico Trotta, Tatiana Strepetova (Italy) |
(ID 403) |
FLAG SYSTEM: introduction of the popular system into various contexts
Paulien van Haastrecht, Willy van Berlo, Erika Frans, Kirstin Janssens, Remy Vink, Mechtild Hoing (the Netherlands & Belgium) |
(ID 335) |
The Many Elements of CSE: Meet The Sexualitree
Karen Rayne, Sam Killermann (USA) |
09:30–11:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-25: Current Challenges in Sexual Rights (Symposium of the Sexual Rights Committee of WAS)
Chairs: Yuko Higashi (Japan) & Tommi Paalanen (Finland) |
Fulfilling Young People's Sexual Rights: A Look into Present and Future Challenges
Antón Castellanos-Usigli (Mexico/USA) |
Sexual Rights of Young People: Dilemmas Concerning Sexual Autonomy
Tommi Paalanen (Finland) |
Violence against Syrian Refugees: A Crisis Unfolded
Faysal El Kak (Lebanon) |
The Right to Bodily Integrity and the Concept of Sexual Harm
Brian Earp (USA) |
08:00–08:30 |
Brief Communications Session BC-7: Sex and Violence
Chairs: Inge Hansen (USA) & Reiko Ohkawa (Japan) |
(ID 439) |
Sexual violence, academic performance and maladjusted behavior among selected Female adolescents in Southern States, Nigeria
Grace Funmilayo Olusegun (Nigeria) |
(ID 115) |
Promoting A More Inclusive Understanding of Sexual Assault and Interpersonal Violence
Inge Hansen (USA) |
(ID 482) |
Sexual Violence Prevention “Action of government and a local support center for sexual assault victims in Japan”
Reiko Ohkawa, Yuko Okajima (Japan) |
(ID 75) |
Implicit and Explicit attitudes toward Bondage Discipline Dominance Submission & sadomasochism
Shu-Ling Yang, Chun-Ming Shih (Taiwan) |
(ID 463) |
Inefficient Intimacies II: Yearning, Power, and Pity in Sexual Transgression
David Hampson, Jocasta Webb, Danae-Evgenia Glinou (UK & USA) |
08:30–09:00 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-9: Miscellaneous
Chairs: Eva González-Ortega (Spain) & Inge Hansen (USA) |
(ID 64) |
Sexual Behaviors of Premenopausal Women in Taiwan
Yin-Jou Chou, Chun-Ming Shih (Taiwan) |
(ID 116) |
Rethinking Relationship Identities: The Multi-Spectrum Model
Inge Hansen (USA) |
(ID 274) |
Associations between romantic attachment, conflict resolution style and romantic relationship quality in young adult couples. A dyadic approach
Eva González-Ortega, David Sánchez-Porro Frías, Begoña Orgaz Baz, Antonio Fuertes Martín (Spain) |
(ID 141) |
Selling drugs and sex among Australian gay and bisexual men
Garrett Prestage, Mohamed Hammoud, Lisa Maher, Toby Lea, Fengyi Jin (Australia) |
09:30–11:00 |
SYMPOSIUM SESSION SY-26: Where does the research on LGBT goes? An overview (FISS Symposium)
Chairs: Salvatore Caruso (Italy), Adele Fabrizi (Italy) & Domenico Trotta (Italy) |
Sexual rights of lesbian gay and bisexual people in Italy: A snapshot of reality and sociodemographic characteristics involved in the recognition and denial
Cinzia Artioli, Marco Silvaggi, Simona Gabriella Di Santo, Margherita Colombo, Stefano Eleuteri, Valentina Fava, Chiara Malandrino, Irene Melis, Chiara Nanini, Cristina Rossetto, Sara Simone (Italy) |
Social and psychological correlates of transphobia
Antonio Prunas, Annalisa Anzani, Marco Di Sarno (Italy) |
Gender Identification and Transition Path in Italian Trans Population: The Decline of the Genitals Centrality
Paolo Valerio, Roberto Vitelli, Anna Lisa Amodeo, Alain Giami, Cristiano Scandurra (Italy) |
Same-Sex and Different-Sex Parent Families in Italy: Parenting Dimensions and Child Health Outcomes
Roberto Baiocco, Salvatore Ioverno, Nicola Carone, Vittorio Lingiardi (Italy) |
How to address working with older bisexual clients and their partners?
Stefano Eleuteri, Roberta Rossi, Chiara Simonelli (Italy) |
08:00–09:00 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-6: Clinical Sexology III
Chair: Robyn Jackowich (Canada) & Amelia Stanton (USA) |
(ID 332) |
Gustavo Maximiliano Dutra da Silva, Ana Carla Franco Ubinha, Gabriela Perriello Risante, Elisa Maria de Oliveira Santos, Nelson Gonçalves (Brazil) |
(ID 195) |
Recognising sexual health as a meaningful activity in Occupational Therapy
Penny Ralph, Surya Monro, Jo Stead, Daniela Crocetti (UK) |
(ID 356) |
Assessment of sexual health in cardiac patients: needs and challenges
Anna Szczegielniak (Poland) |
(ID 371) |
Erectile dysfunction prevalence, patient characteristics, and health outcomes globally
Irwin Goldstein, Amir Goren, Vicky Li, Wing Yu Tang, Tarek A. Hassan (USA) |
(ID 71) |
One session of autogenic training increases acute subjective sexual arousal in pre-menopausal women with sexual arousal problems
Amelia Stanton, Lindsey Nichols, Cindy Meston (USA) |
(ID 182) |
Impact of partner’s sexual and relationship well-being on pain intensity and pain catastrophizing in women with genital pain
Raquel Pereira, Cátia Oliveira, Pedro Nobre (Portugal) |
(ID 215) |
Women’s perceptions of the term ‘Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder’ for their condition
Robyn Jackowich, Sam Bienias, Leah Pink, Allan Gordon, Caroline Pukall (Canada) |
(ID 241) |
Profile of women with genito-pelvic pain attended at sexuality center
Suzane Holzhacker, Marina Zaneti, Lilian Rosa Daher Macri, Carolina Ambrogini, Teresa Embiruçu, Ivaldo Silva (Brazil) |
09:30–11:00 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-08: Dysfunctions and Therapy
Chairs: Donald Strassberg (USA) & Elisa Viozzi (Italy) |
(ID 372) |
The impact of urinary incontinence on male erectile dysfunction
Alexandre Fornari, Marina Gressler, Ana Neis, Isabel Cunha, Lais Oliveira, Cristiane Carboni (Brazil) |
(ID 74) |
The predicting value of personality and psychological well-being regarding sexual functioning in women
Andrea Grauvogl (the Netherlands) |
(ID 204) |
Randomized Controlled Trial of a Cognitive Behavioral Therapeutic treatment for Hypersexual Disorder
Jonas Hallberg, Stefan Arver, Katarina Görts Öberg (Sweden) |
(ID 434) |
Multidimensional Open Sex Therapy
Desa Markovic (UK) |
(ID 30) |
Sexual Quality of Life Following Type of Prostatectomy
Donald Strassberg, Suzanne Zavodni, Paul Gardner, Christopher Dechet, Robert Stephenson, Kelsey Sewell (USA) |
(ID 109) |
Elisa Viozzi, Valentina Rossi, Francesca Tripodi, Adele Fabrizi, Filippo Maria Nimbi, Chiara Simonelli (Italy) |
(ID 111) |
Psycho-relational Well-being in Women with Sexual Pain: A Preliminary Study
Elisa Viozzi, Valentina Rossi, Francesca Tripodi, Adele Fabrizi, Filippo Maria Nimbi, Chiara Simonelli (Italy) |
(ID 225) |
An Integrative Pelvic Exam Protocol (IPEP) Improves Outcomes for Women with Vaginal Stenosis in Restoring Vaginal Function for Sexual Activity
Debra Wickman (USA) |
08:00–09:00 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-7: Sexuality Education
Chairs: Keren Michael (Israel) & Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen (Finland) |
(ID 42) |
An empty arena – attitudes and experiences of sexuality education among special school and habilitation service staff in Sweden
Jack Lukkerz (Sweden) |
(ID 228) |
Do Sexual Consent Workshops Promote Positive Attitudes Toward Consent?
Charlotte Silke, Padraig MacNeela, Siobhan O'Higgins (Ireland) |
(ID 147) |
Historical view about German sex-ed at schools – statistical survey
Linus Dietz (Germany) |
(ID 63) |
Aleida Heinz, Pedro Briceno (USA) |
(ID 284) |
Knowledge about sexuality in Indian Urban Men
Pawan Rathi (India) |
(ID 4) |
Adolescents' sexual communication with their parents, peers, and dating partners
Keren Michael (Israel) |
(ID 5) |
The contribution of relations with parents and peers to adolescents' sexual risk-taking behavior
Keren Michael, Liat Yakhnich (Israel) |
(ID 2) |
Intra-familial Child Sexual Abuse: A case study of the Lifeline method in Narrative Exposure Therapy
Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen (Finland) |
09:30–11:00 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-09: Atypical Sexuality
Chairs: Mauro Cabral Grinspan (Argentina) & Anna Ševčíková (Czech Republic) |
(ID 281) |
Preventing sexual offending – descriptive data from a Swedish Helpline
Katarina Görts, Elin Zamore Söderström, Stefan Arver (Sweden) |
(ID 90) |
An emerging risk factor of sexual abuse victimization: the use of smartphone dating applications
Edmond Pui Hang Choi, Janet Yuen Ha Wong, Daniel Yee Tak Fong (Hong Kong) |
(ID 49) |
Sexual Arousal by Dominance and Submission Represents Mating Strategy
Eva Jozifkova (Czech Republic) |
(ID 265) |
From Sexual Deviation to Sexual Health?
Jan Kožnar, Lukáš Man, Petr Ptáček, Zuzana Řeřichová, Veronika Šindelářová, Šárka Dynáková (Czech Republic) |
(ID 194) |
Sexual coercion in dating violence among students in Israel
Keren Michael, Ruhama Goussinsky, Dalit Yassour-Borochowitz (Israel) |
(ID 247) |
Gender-age characteristics of acute sexual violence victims: 2001–2013, Brazil
Isabelle V. V. Nisida, Maria I. C. Boulos, Fabio Atui, Carlos A. Diegoli, Aluisio C. Segurado (Brazil) |
(ID 70) |
Sexual self-schemas in the real world: Exploring the ecological validity of language-based markers of childhood sexual abuse
Amelia Stanton, Ryan Boyd, Cindy Meston (USA) |
(ID 186) |
MEN SUBJECTED TO SEXUAL ABUSE-Experiences from psychotherapeutic work
Suzanna Boman, Inger Björklund (Sweden) |
(ID 105) |
A qualitative analysis of out-of-control use of the internet for sexual purposes
Anna Ševčíková, Lukas Blinka, Veronika Soukalová (Czech Republic) |
(ID 486) |
Torture in Medical Healthcare Settings: An Intersex Approach
Mauro Cabral Grinspan (Argentina) |
08:00–09:00 |
Moderated Posters Session MP-8: Culture and Sexuality
Chairs: Agata Loewe (Poland) & Alice Pacher (Japan) |
(ID 33) |
Sexuality as a dimension for the study of cities. Methodological proposal
Patricia Eugenia Medina, Roberto Rodriguez, Héctor Gómez (Mexico) |
(ID 258) |
Extramarital Affairs in Contemporary Japan: Current Situation and Trends
Alice Pacher (Japan) |
(ID 319) |
Casual Sex is not that Casual: Safety Boundary of Hooking up in Urban China
Jue Ren (China) |
(ID 171) |
Comparative analysis of committed sexual Japanese-monocultural and Japanese-Western relationships
Dariusz Skowronski, John Andrews (Japan) |
(ID 176) |
Contemporary masculinity and sexuality identities among young Japanese men
Dariusz Skowronski, John Andrews, Takahiro Ogawa, Katarzyna Waszynska (Japan & Poland) |
(ID 23) |
Risk and Pleasure in Romantic Discourse: Problematizing the Phenomenon of Global Youth Marketing in Kenya
Olive Wandera (Kenya) |
(ID 325) |
Perceptions and Sexual Behaviors of People Interested in Sexology
Ariel González Galeano, María Rosa Appleyard Biscotti (Paraguay) |
(ID 36) |
Doing transnational sexology. Future of sex positivity
Agata Loewe (Poland) |
(ID 438) |
Grace Funmilayo Olusegun (Nigeria) |
09:30–11:00 |
Oral Presentations Session OP-10: Miscellaneous III
Chair: Becky Nelson (Sweden) |
(ID 232) |
Factors affecting sexuality in infertile couples
Ágota Süli, Zsolt Kopa, Mátyás Benyó; Atilla Vereczkey (Hungary) |
(ID 130) |
Uptake of Rapid Point-of-Care HIV Testing Among Gay and Bisexual Men in Vancouver, Canada
Heather Armstrong, Lu Wang, Nathan J. Lachowsky, Julia Zhu, Kiffer G. Card, Jason Wong, Jody Jollimore, Eric A. Roth, Robert S. Hogg, David M. Moore (Canada) |
(ID 453) |
Self-reported depression as a predictor of sexual satisfaction and sexual function
Veronica Delgado-Parra, Alicia Rojas-Flores, Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles (Mexico) |
(ID 214) |
Preventative HPV Behaviours: What Do Males Think?
Serena FitzGerald, Nicola Cornally, Josephine Hegarty (Ireland) |
(ID 262) |
The Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Health Outcomes in the Republic of Armenia
Aram Hakobyan, Ruzanna Azatyan, Allen Azizian, Arsen Grigoryan (Armenia & USA) |
(ID 345) |
Sex for everyone: sexuality intervention of and for people with intellectual disabilities
Becky Nelson, Rasmus Fonseca, Maria Emmelin (Sweden) |
(ID 135) |
Sexual health among young people forcibly placed at group homes in Sweden
Malin Lindroth (Sweden) |
(ID 152) |
Discussion on the Application of Sexuality Education's Flipped Education in Chinese College Students
Mingyu Deng, Judy Kuriansky, Wanrong Yang, Shiyan Lao, Yingying Lao (USA) |
(ID 190) |
The effectiveness of defibulation and reconstructive surgery following female genital mutilation/cutting: a systematic review
Rigmor C. Berg, Sølvi Taraldsen, Maryan Said, Ingvil Sørbye, Siri Vangen (Norway) |
updated on May 29, 2017 |